Health Blog

Dec10th 2022

Therapy Before Surgery: Discovering the Benefits of Preventative Rehabilitation

Are you in need of a surgical procedure? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport? Are your muscles or joints weaker than they used to be? If you identify with any of these scenarios, preventative rehabilitation, or “pre-hab,” may benefit you. There are several benefits to participating in pre-hab treatments. It can speed

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Nov20th 2022

Get Ready To Toss Your Drugs In The Trash With Physical Therapy

As we all know, our country is dealing with an opioid crisis. Prescription medication addiction is expected to affect 11.5 million people in the United States. If this statistic scares you, it should – this is a severe problem. We shouldn’t take it lightly. This is a scary moment, but there is a way out.

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Nov10th 2022

Do You Know The Differences Between Sprains and Strains?

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You’re walking down the sidewalk, not really paying much attention to where you’re going, when your ankle slips off the curb. You feel an immediate twinge of pain, but you’re unsure whether or not it requires a trip to the doctor. Ouch! You’re almost sure something is wrong,

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